
Introducing the Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB®)

Boilers are significant contributors to the climate crisis. Opt for a cleaner alternative – electricity. Meet the ZEB®.

Seeking to lessen your environmental footprint? The ZEB® operates on electricity, effectively delivering your heating needs by accumulating and retaining the majority of your home’s heat during off-peak periods. This makes it not only a financially prudent option but also a more environmentally friendly choice compared to traditional boilers.

Environmenally Friendly

Cost Effective

Effortless Installation


Emissions Reduction

The ZEB®, powered by electricity, stands as a greener alternative to conventional boilers. It emits no pollution directly and strategically stores heat during eco-friendly periods.


By storing most of your home’s required heat during off-peak hours, the ZEB® keeps electricity expenses down while meeting your heating demands.

Effortless Installation

As a direct substitute for your current boiler, the ZEB® boasts a straightforward installation process, typically completed within 1-2 days with minimal home alterations.

Intelligent & Adaptable

The ZEB® dynamically adjusts heat storage based on your preferences, weather conditions, and tariff structures. Plus, it offers remote control functionality via our innovative App.

Why Heatd?

Heatd is the ideal company to install the Zero Emission Boiler (ZEB®) due to their extensive experience in eco-friendly heating solutions. With a proven track record of seamless installations and a commitment to maximizing cost-efficiency and environmental benefits, Heatd ensures that adopting the ZEB® is a smooth transition for homeowners, promoting sustainability and reducing carbon emissions effectively.

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